
Meet the candidates

Teamsters 315 Brothers and Sisters, When we started our campaign, Members First chose to run very deliberately on facts and transparency. We want you, Teamsters 315 members, to have full access to our slate. Ask questions, express concerns, air grievances, anything goes. In that spirit, this week, we proposed an open and straightforward debate between …

Meet the candidates Read More »

Would you get on an airplane that was being flown by someone who had no experience flying airplanes?

Teamsters 315 Brothers and Sisters, Every slate that runs for office wants to do a good job for Teamsters Local 315. But only a few are qualified or prepared for what the job really entails. It takes a wealth of experience and know-how to run Teamsters Local 315.  Complex issues are managed every day by …

Would you get on an airplane that was being flown by someone who had no experience flying airplanes? Read More »

Members First Slate kickoff shows success with a great mix of new members and 30-40 year veterans.

To all the members who showed up early on a Saturday morning to support, we thank you. If you missed it, we introduced the rigors of what a member needs to do to be chosen for our staff. Then discussed our past nine years and the measures of success we have brought to Teamsters Local …

Members First Slate kickoff shows success with a great mix of new members and 30-40 year veterans. Read More »

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